Oct 30, '09

Just took Audrey for her first haircut. She says afterwards "now I don't have a mullet." thanks to daddy for introducing that concept to her. Yes, my 2 year old know what a mullet is. So sad.

Oct 29, '09

It is raining here. Audrey is looking out the window and singing " rain go away mommy wants to play, rain go away Audrey wants to play...... Well you get the idea.

Oct 29, '09

So Audrey underpants fell below her butt while wearing pj bottoms and in a very frustrated voice says "mommy what's going on with my butt".

Oct 19, '09

Audrey asking if Lilly, the cat, can go in the car with us and sit in olivia's seat says "wouldn't it be santastic"

Oct 18, '09

Audrey with one hand on each of Bens cheeks says "Ben look in my eyes, I love you".

Oct 13, '09

So olivia and Audrey are showering together. Olivia is using a razor and Audrey wants to use one, Olivia says little girls don't use razors. Audrey sticks her head out of the shower and says..."mommy I need to tell you a question... Baby girls don't use raisins" chuckling

Oct 8, '09

Was in Dillards department store today with Audrey and she wanted to know if we were going to "go up or down the alligator" I said yes, the alligator is over here. She liked it and wanted to put one in our house.