Jan. 31,'10

Last night during dinner I asked Audrey "Whats in your mouth?" she says " muchmatao" or to the rest of us mashed potatoes.

Jan. 29,'10

After blowing many raspberries on Audrey's neck and a lot of giggling, she says to me " mom make my skin all bumpy....do those farts on my neck again"


One 2 1/2 year old running through the house yelling "kitty, come here kitty" 3 kitties running in 3 directions makes for a VERY frustrated Audrey. Then she says "mom you follow that one (still running through the house voice fading in and out) and get him for me, I going and getting this udder one"


Audrey told me she needed a brush for her hair because it was "all furlad up"


Sitting at a red light with Audrey in the car. She says "what is it that I smell?" I said I don't know what does it smell like? She says "it smells like junk" I said junk, oh no you smell that car in front of us. She says "well that car smells like junk, mommy go tell them their car needs a baff"


Audrey getting ready to go up to bed says to Olivia "I need to tell you a question" while she is pushing Olivia's hair away from her ear so she can whisper says "I love you".


Ben took a Dvd out of the player and it made Audrey mad as she thought it was her movie. She chased him up the stairs yelling "Ben drop that movie"

Jan. 20,'10

Audrey came home from school today with marker on her hands. She told me "mommy I need to wash my hands they are 'markedy' "

Jan. 19,'10

Olivia and Audrey said the same word at the same time and Audrey said to Olivia "jinx stop" three times. The good the bad and the ugly of much older siblings

Jan, 17,'10

So I am in my closet and hear Audrey running and giggling. She comes running into my closet, shuts the door and say "heck, Ben is chasing me"

Jan. 14,'10

When I asked Audrey what she wanted for lunch she responded " the sandwiches we eat outside". I said "What are the sandwiches we eat outside?" Audrey says "you know, with the fire, and the chocolate, and the crackers, and the mushmellows"

Jan 14,'10

So, suddenly aware that the front door is open. I find Audrey there with Lilly saying "it's ok, go out and play with your friends the squirrels." Lilly looking blankly at Audrey doesn't move. Audrey says "you're not listening, now you go to timeout." Lilly gets dragged by the neck to the window sill, has her head bumped on the window and stays. I really think they understand each other.

Jan 12,'10

Audrey just kissed Lilly's tail and said "eewww her tail stinks, it smells like fart mix" I'm not sure what that is exactly but it sounds bad and I decided to take her word for it

Jan 8, '10

As we passed a local garden center that always has pink flamingos in the front Audrey says" hey mom look the falincos are now red and blue"

Jan 8, '10

Now in the car with Audrey she is singing " go Lilly go Lilly go Lilly get a movin. "

Jan 8, '10

Audrey told me that a luggage cart at the airport was "brokady"

Jan 3, '10

So we are all in the car with the radio on. Aaron says to Audrey "who sings this song" Audrey responds confidently and correctly "lady Gaga" scarey.