Feb. 28, '10

Olivia says "as a girl the four things I can't live without are lip gloss, my phone, Internet, and music." Audrey says " I can't live witout Twitter" she is her fathers daughter!

Feb. 26,'10

Audrey, sitting on my lap is trying to put a very used piece of dental floss in my mouth. She is not happy about my not opening up, says "mommy, 1 2 3 open" I didn't open. Audrey says " mommy I'm not playing games with you....open" I did open only because of the laughter coming out of it though.

Feb. 22,'10

While Audrey was eating her lunch Lilly kept trying to take it from her. Audrey in a moment of frustration after working hard to protect her Chicken breast says "Lilly stop stop stop you are a cat not a dog" This however did not dissuade Lilly.

Feb 16, 2010

I told Audrey that we needed to go to Starbucks quickly today because the plumber was coming to fix my shower and we needed to be here. She asked "what was wrong with my shower?" I said I'm not sure that is why we need the plumber. She said "maybe it needs a new battery"

Feb 12, 2010

Little toy mouse filled with cat nip attached to a string, string attached to a plastic stick, plastic stick attached to Audrey's hand.......Audrey says to me "mommy watch I can get all the kitty cats" she runs through the house yelling "vamanos vamanos cats." believe it or not she actually got 2 of the 3 to follow her.

Feb 3, 2010

Upon picking Audrey up at pre-school today a truck was parked on directly opposite me on the other side of the street. Normally I do a "k" turn and head home. Audrey aware of this says to me "mom don't let that truck poke you".