April 27, '10

I am driving in the car with Audrey. She is playing with a ponytail holder that has big plastic flowers on it. She decides it needs to be an anklet. The elastic slipped from her hand and the flower snapped her ankle. Tears all over the place, crying, crying, crying nose a mess. Then she yells inthe midst of all that "pu...nch buggy yellow I saw it first" she was correct. It was yellow. Magically no more tears.

April 23, '10

Audrey invited me to the "Audrey Show" she sits on Lily. Then she pops up and says "oh hello this is my toy baby cat lily, (she sits down on her again) she loves toys, (she pops up again) watch her play with her toy"(she throws her toy). Lily takes off the couch runs past the toy into my room and under the bed. Audrey following says "lily lily lily come back here you ruined my show i won't sit on you"

April 22, '10

Just thought I would let you all know that the sound a cat makes when being carried upside down by it's legs is not a good one. Audrey doesn't like it either. I believe her exact words were "mommy that hurted my ears"

April 21, '10

Audrey just said to me " I am very upset with you" I said "why?" she said "I am very upset with you because you are telling me to eat my chicken" then she said "mom I am frustrating by dinner"

April 20, '10

Poor Lilly doesn't get a break

April 20, '10

As Audrey and I are crossing the street she says "we need to be careful of cars and trucks. They will smoosh us like the bugs on the window of the car"

April 19, '10

Audrey just handed me a wisk and a bowl and told me to "get stirring" I said what am I stirring? She says "chocolate" (pronounced in spanish)

April 18, '10

Audreys pearls of wisdom " mommy if somebody takes your potty you need to buy a new one, that is very important" Aaron says "where do you buy a potty?" she says "from lowes"

April 17, '10

Audrey told me that there was a bee in her bed that was prickly and was prickling her

April 16, '10

So Audrey has decided that her underwear and undershirts will be called under dogs from now on. After informing me of this she says. Mom do you want to her me say underdogs in Spanish? I said yes. She said okay..... Underdogs. Then she laughed really hard. I am left just shaking my head.

April 12, '10

So my Audrey has a friend the same age also named Audrey. We call them by their first and middle name. In the car today my Audrey says "I am going to sing a song for my friend Audrey Joy" I said ok. She sings......Audrey Joy Audrey Joy she is my friend she can balance and I can kick up she can balance and i can kick up."

April 8, '10

Audrey says "when George Washington got died he was sad cause he missed his mommy" while we were driving along talk about trees. Or, that's what I thought....But apparently it was George.