May 19, '10

I am at swimming with the kids. Ben is swimming along and audrey yells "kick your arms ben"

May 17, '10

Audrey's 3rd birthday is approaching June 7th. I asked her what she wanted for her birthday she said " a car cake, lots of friends, that singy that has all da candy and that big singy that you hit z odder singy with to get all z candy" good enough!

May 16, '10

Audrey just informed me of the following...."mommy I'm a nice sharer because i was sharing my graham cracker with marshall." I said "wait what...did he like it?" She says yes he ate the whole thing" turns out he did.

May 16, '10

At the pool with family. Audrey says "holy smokes there a lot of worms in there"

May 12, '10

Audrey told me she REALLY needed to go to the potty. I said ok lets go, hurry. She was walking slowly, with a limp, holding her knee and said to me "I can't hurry I have a bummy bone in my elbow" I said then why are you holding your knee? She stopped, still holding her knee said "oh then both are bummy, mommy hold my elbow cause I'm holding my knee

May 12, '10

Audrey just told me that her "finger was trying to bleed" I said why is it trying to bleed? She said "cause it wants a band-aid"

May10, '10

After picking Audrey up from school today I asked her what she wanted for lunch. Her reply "a number 4 please" ummm....

May 6, '10

I thnk Audrey might be off her rocker just a little. She knows Lady Gaga and likes her song Paparazzi. She says to me "watch what I can say, cha cha razzi.....cha cha razzi" as she runs around the house shaking those little hips again.

May 6, '10

Audrey was eating some cheetos. She stood up telling me she was all done. I said hold on we need to clean your hands and mouth. While I am wiping her hands with a damp papertowel I see her tongue whipping around her mouth as fast as she could make it many time. It made me laugh. She said "you do my hands I already did... my mouf, it's clean, why are laughing mom, my mouf is clean"

May 5, '10

Audrey just said to Lily "I'm not happy because you aren't listening. That's it missy, time out for you in the crib, you need to follow directions" Then she said "what did you say? I can't understand you because of your crying, jus calm down, take a deep bref" I wonder sometimes if Lily would prefer the streets again.

May 5, '10

Audrey was wearing her princess dress, took her arms out and the top dropped to her waist. She said with her hands on her shaking hips "how do I look?" I said "Not good cause your top is below it's level" I was grabbing my phone to take a picture (not for public to see) and she ran away saying "No you can't take any pictures of me for my merit badge book" ummm huh?

May 4, '10

While in line at Starbucks this morning with Audrey she lets out a very loud burp. I am totally embarrassed. People around were chuckling. Audrey says to me "mommy did you hear that?" I said yes, Audrey we don't burp like that. She says "mommy my belly has a lot of energy and it needs to come out"