September 29, 2010

Audrey seeing Audrey on Video.

September 29, 2010

Audrey says to me "mom did you know that God and me made this house" I said no I didn't how do you do it?" She says "God and I worked together with love to make a beautiful for the family....I had to live in Gods heart so he knew what to do to make it more beautifuler, he's like superman."

September 28, 2010

Audrey was hiding in my cabinet, when found it was reveled that she had Ben's iTouch. Audrey says to me "mom I am trying to listen to Adam Lambert and I just can't find it."

September 21, 2010

The last 2 days it rained, the kids went out back, played, wrote w/ chalk & sprayed each other w/ the hose. Today Ben was at a friends, Olivia was at dance & it started raining. Audrey says mom when they get back I want to go in the back, get wet, write w/ chalk okay? I said no not today. She folded her arms & in a VERY MAD voice said "that's it you wrecked my life, do you hear me you wrecked it, that's it goodbye."

September 17, 2010

Just realized that one of the bowls of dry kitty food was missing. My first thought was that my husband just consolidated. My second thought went like this..."wait a minuted I bet Audrey know where it is 'Audrey where is the other bowl of kitty food?' " Her response was "I'll show you" She takes me to my bathroom, opens the cabinet below my sink and what do ya know, there it was.

September 16, 2010

Audrey's teachers asked if we could save and give them the empty paper towel and toilet paper rolls. Audrey sees the bag filled and says "what are these for?" I said "They are for your teachers to do a project." She says "what kind of project? Are they going to make a robot, a baby, dollies, a door, a sink, a light, a washcloth, a table, chairs, tires, a house, a bed?"

September 15, 2010

Audrey say to me "mom I want a graham, with a marshmallow on top of it, a piece of chocolate on top of that, with another graham cracker of top of that...that's how you make a smore"

September 13, 2010

Playing hide and seek with Audrey in the house. It's my turn to hide. I do so in a cabinet in my husbands closet. Waiting.....waiting.....waiting....getting hot.....beginning to sweat a little....waiting....finally I can't take it anymore i need to get out. She was watching tv. I said ummm did you forget about me? She said "oh I'll be there on next commercial".

September 9, 2010

For those of you who haven't seen this, it's kinda funny. Audrey and Lilly in a typical encounter

September 7, 2010

Audrey sings her favorite song.....

September 7, 2010

Audrey & I were playing a little game. She was blocking me from walking by standing in front of me with her arms extended out to her sides and legs spread wide. I decided to back up a go the other way. She ran around a fast as she could yelling "No way Jose, no way jose you're not getting by me"

September 3, 2010

Audrey just told me "mom when I say something funny you need to say ' you can say that again' then we can laugh"

September 2, 2010

After picking Audrey up from school today I asked her what she learned. She says "mom can you say Ba ba ba bean?" So I said ba ba ba bean. She says "mom that is great you are a genius" it made me laugh

September 1, 2010

Just found Audrey in the pantry close dipping frosted mini wheats in Nutella. I said what are you doing? She says "it's okay mom it's tella and breakfast."

September 1, 2010

For those who don't know "neh-ma-nems" are M&M's in the yellow package. I was told "they are different the the M&M's in the brown package". As per Audrey.