September 24, 2011

Arriving at Ben's flag football game Audrey says "Aw man I forgot my money." I said "Money? what do you need that for?" She says "to buy stuff" I said "there isn't anything to buy here" she says "yeah there is.....mouth guards!"

September 18, 2011

Just painted Audrey's nails. 30 seconds later she says to me "mom can you get the boogers out of my nose, my nails are wet?" I said "let me get a tissue." She said "tissue won't work this needs picking." shaking my head in disbelief.

September 15, 2011

Made a yummy dinner tonight. Audrey wasn't that psyched about it. She said " the rice taste-is like crap". Nice!

September 11, 2011

Audrey was having some privacy in the bathroom. Ben and Olivia chasing each other through the house, bust into the bathroom where she is. Audrey yells "Hey just give me a moment will ya, geez people." Big kids not listening to her. She continues with..."A moment people, just one moment that's all I'm asking for."

September 8, 2011

Telling Audrey a story she interrupts me and says "mom mom mom this is making my brain plumicate." I said what does that mean? she says "it means my brain wants to explode into a million billion pieces." Thinking to myself I feel that way often.

September 7, 2011

Audrey asks "mom when I was in your belly what kinds of things did I do?" I said slept and wiggled. She said "did I like just doing that?" I said yes you did. She says "do you think I could go in there again so I can remember liking it?" uh, no!

September 2, 2011

Talking tonight at dinner about babies being born. Olivia mentioned that "daddy actually delivered Audrey." Audrey says to me "you mean babies are delivered like in a box?" then a little later she is seeing a picture of herself immediately after she was born. Seeing the tie off for the umbilical cord asks "was that my penis?"

September 1, 2011

Audrey and I are "discussing" what she can wear to school, we aren't agreeing. She sits down on the floor in her closet and says "mom I think we have a problem that needs to be solved." I'm thinking, wear what I tell you....problem solved.

August 24, 2011

This is Audrey's computer. She says to me "mom I don't want this bad computer. It only has games on it and I can't do my work. I want a computer that I can have in my room or on my lap on the couch not stuck on this ugly table."

August 17, 2011

Audrey wheels these into my bathroom and says" I went to the nail salon with my kids so I could get my nails done and they started shuffling around picking out polishes. They weren't being good listeners so we left. I won't do that again!"

August 11, '11

Lilly has been decorated. She "has a shirt on, yellow dive ring around her neck, purple shades and a small spatula for tamping down her hair."

July 29, 2011

Audrey slid down the last three steps from upstairs and was crying that she "hurt her elbow and her bone cheek." aka...tailbone

July 26, 2011

Audrey's self application of sun screen

July 26, 2011

Lilly decorated by Audrey

July 26, 2011

I just asked Audrey if she wants some Cheerios with a little sugar for breakfast. She says "mom that tastes lame, how about teddy grahams with milk."

July 25, 2011

Audrey is watching 102 Dalmatians. She says to me "mom I think Cruella de Vil has a bad attitude and I know it isn't nice to hit people but she needs a good punch."

July 24, 2011

Audrey says to me "mom I need to have a chit chat with you!" I said "okay." She says "how come each time I get your iPad it has your stuff on it?" "Ummm, because it's mine." She says "really? you know it mine right!"

July 18, 2011

While on vacation Audrey saw a picture of me in the hospital on the day she was born. Last night while putting her to bed she asked me..." where were you with a blanket or table cloth on when you have a baby?" I told her that wasn't a blanket or a table cloth it was a hospital night gown. She wasn't impressed.

July 16, 2011

In the car w/ Audrey. She gets a call on her "cell phone". This is the conversation... "Oh hi Justin (bieber). I'm great and happy you called. It's a flopping kinda day. Will I marry you? Yes, I love you, of course. I think after we are married we can have lunch and play dates. Listen my mom is talking to me I'll call you back."

July 13, 2011

So on the airplane returning from vacation Audrey asks me if I want to play the slap 5 game. I put my hand up to give her a high five. She says "no mom the slap 5 game is like this"......yes I got slapped on my face. She thought is was really funny. Me, not so much.

July 9, 2011

Audrey's bedtime story to me. "once upon a time there was an adult named Melanie & a wife named Aaron. They liked each other lots & lots, their kids played in TX & other places. Melanie was a queen & Aaron was a prince."

July 8, 2011

Running quickly with Audrey so we don't miss our tour. I say "hurry up honey we need to go fast." she says "mom I have one broken leg and am already on motor 11."

July 7, '10

Audrey smelling a bad smell outside says "yuck what is that bad stinch" that works right?!?!

July 7, 2011

At the breakfast table which includes Audrey's grammy. Everyone is reassigning names to people. Audrey reassigns grammy to "planktavolis"

June 7,2011

Audrey has a cat hair in her mouth.... so funny.

June 29, 2011

Since we moved from MA to TX when Audrey was 2 she doesn't remember the beach. While on the beach today in MA Audrey says " mom I want to go home, this beach has to much sand, I'm all sandy, and the ocean tastes like salt."

June 25, 2011

Audrey says "hey mom what's for dinner?" I said Hamburgers. She says "mom that's not my favorite thing, I want Brussel Sprouts, Artichokes, broccoli and a salad."

June 25, 2011

Audrey helped Aaron make me a cup of coffee. Audrey asked me " do you want to know the ingredients?" I said "yes". She said " love, plankton, and kisses." 10 minutes later she came back to add a special ingredient......." karalante"

June 23, 2011

This, as per Audrey is an "armlet". Known to you and me as an empty butter box. I was told "beware of the armlet it will punch your face and smoke your eardrum out." I consider myself warned.

June 22, 2011

Audrey is brushing my hair and saying in a very excited voice "hey mom this is great your hair color is turing back to your normal color." I said "what color is that?" She say "a little light orange and a lot of white

June 22, 2011

Decided it had been to long since I had heard from Audrey so I went looking for her, only to discover her door was closed. I opened it VERY quietly. Found her tucked in the corner with the iPad listening and quietly singing to Justin Beiber.

June 21, 2011

Walking by a flower with Audrey. She stops and inspects it closely, then says "that sure is one pretty flower it must be filled with a lot of nectar....I think this flower is going to make some bees happy."

June 18, 2011

Yesterday at the pool Audrey was doing a bunch of "tricks" that resembled much splashing, asked me if I wanted her to do the "easily or hard ones?"

June 16, 2011

Audrey came into my bedroom at 6:40 this morning chomping on some gum and said "I am on a break and had a little time till i have to get back to it." I said "what do you have to be back to?" she says "oh my emailing and texts."

June 14, 2011

Audrey didn't like what Olivia was saying and just told Olivia "you're gunna go to juvie if you can't shape up"

June 11, 2011

am drinking a big glass of ice water. Audrey is drink s cup of orange juice. she asks me if I want a drop of hemaga in my water. I asked what is homage? She replies simbobjo.

June 1, 2011

At the pool with Audrey. She is trying to convince me to get in. I'm not a fan of coolish water, so I am taking my time. Audrey says "mom do you want to be an awesome lady or not so awesome lady who goes in one step at a time?"

June 1, 2011

Audrey sitting down to eat her lunch says "mom are you ready to rock this lunch?"

May 25, 2011

This is Audrey doing her version of Karate. I like the wall slap.

May 24, 2011

So while putting Audrey to bed tonight she says "mom I can't wait to have my own crib." I said "Audrey you are to big to sleep in a crib." she says with pure distain in her voice "mom a crib is a house!"

May 20, 2011

I am watching Audrey pick her nose. I ask her "what are you doing?" she says I picked a booger, now it's on my finger. I was thinking if I drop it down it will be on my bed, I don't have a tissue, so I'm trying to put it back in my nose but it won't stay."

May 20, 2011

Audrey says "mom I want some dinner lunch." I said "What is dinner lunch?" She said "It is Jelly on toast with crust!"

May 17, 2011

Audrey "going shopping" purse, wings, headband, shoes, and cart.

May 16, 2011

Lilly has been placed inside the spongebob tent by..... Audrey!

May 14, 2011

I say to Audrey...."less talking and more eating please." She says "Mom I have so much talking in my head, I can't even unplug myself. What am I going to do?"

May 11, 2011

Audrey, talking about a cartoon she watched yesterday mentions the characters as a "wolf" & a "Duck" otherwise known as a "Coyote" & "Roadrunner".

May 10, 2011

Audrey has a hair net on and says is her "beauty net

May 10, 2011

These are "cowgirl flip flops" according to Audrey. To you and me they are spongy styrofoam squares taped to her feet.

May 6, '11

Yesterday Audrey went to this dentist for the first time. She has been there before and has met the dentist because of going with her bro and sis. She asks me "mom is dr. Hoppe the one with blond long hair, no glasses, and feet?"

May 5, '11

So for those of you familiar with the song often sung to little babies.."Head Shoulders Knees and Toes"... Audrey is in the tub singing at the top of her lungs that tune only using the words "Head thorax abdomen". Don't ask cause I don't know either.

May 1, 2011

I asked Audrey for a kiss. She gave me one. I asked for another and she gave it to me. I asked for a third one and she said " I don't have anymore." I said "why not?" She said "cause I didn't buy any so nope you can't."

May 1, 2011

Audrey asks me if I " want some pama juice?" I said what's that? She says " it's some poodi dos, bood, zygen flower, quinza, boon flower, ice cubes and lemon"

April 27, 2011

Audrey singing the title of a spongebob show "The Hash Slinging Slasher" (one to scary for her to actually watch) after several rounds somehow becomes "The ass slinging hasher" also repeated for several rounds.

April 25, 2011

Audrey was eating a small bowl of dry cinnamon toast crunch cereal. She spilled it and says "I accidentally spilled my cereal that means on purpose"

April 22, 2011

Ben irritating Audrey. Audrey says "mom Ben is ig-noying me."

April 21, 2011

Audrey making demands this morning. "mom, first I don't care, three I don't know, and last I don't remember."

April 20, 2011

Audrey has a necklace she has recently started wearing. She asked if she could wear it in the bath. I said no it wont be good for the metal. She said "if I wear it in the bath it will turn it junkster"

April 19, 2011

Audrey has a little bruise on her hip. I asked her what happened to her hip? She said "first it pounded then it exploded, that's why it looks like that"

April 16, 2011

Each time Aaron smokes a pork butt on the grill for pulled pork sandwiches I love that Audrey gets excited about having "pork pork sandwiches'

April 14, 2011

Audrey just asked me if they serve chili in jail. I said I don't know. I've never been to jail. She said well you have to bang a lot of rocks there for work.

April 13, 2011

Discussing hair colors with all 3 kids. Ben (9 yes old ) asks what color his hair is. I said dirty blonde. Audrey says in a very indignant voice " mom he's not a dirty blonde he's a pretty blonde"

April 13, 2011

Audrey was telling me about something that happend in her day and paused. I thought she had finished what she was saying asked her a question. She said "mom don't have what you are saying come before what I am saying that isn't nice." well alrighty then.

April 12, 2011

Audrey named her bath toys. From right to left...b-yoda, bingin, genynda, chocha, beeyagone, yokinchaza. Said several times exactly the same way.

April 12, 2011

Audrey singing a little Beiber.

April 10, 2011

Putting Audrey to bed. I said " what song would you like me to sing to you?" she says " how about some Bruno Mars?" no...
"michelle branch?" no " Rihanna?" no Audrey those are not night time songs. She says "oh are they daytime songs cause I see the sun." umm hmm.

April 10, 2011

Audrey said to me " I don't want a fruit bowl for lunch tomorrow because I don't like tanderine peaches"

April 8, 2011

Suddenly the water from the kitchen sink is running. I said to Audrey "what are you doing?" She says (holding her princess shoes) "I am washing my shoes." I said "why are you washing your shoes?" She says "because they taste ugly and need to be cleaned." I wish she would stop licking her shoes....

April 05, 2011

Audrey tells me "mom last night I dreamed about fire ants (a real thing in TX) and I dreamed about blue ants and black ants and Mexico ants"

April 04, 2011

Audrey says to me "hey mom look I am spinning so much I am dizzy" I turn around to see her drop Lilly out of her arms and Lilly TRYING to walk away without toppling over.

April 04, 2011

Audrey was laying very close to me and asked me..."mom am I close in your space, or is this okay?"

April 02, 2011

Aaron made the comment "one mans trash is another mans treasure" 2 minutes later Audrey says " mom a man took the treasure.... that pirate won't be happy"

March 30, 2011

This is how Audrey decides if she likes the outfit she has picked to wear the next day

March 30, 2011

Audrey is eating an apple. She asks me "mom do you make applesauce from apples?" I say "yes" she says "wow that is so com-plean-ient"

March 29, 2011

While Audrey was getting down from the counter tonight after finishing her dinner, she spilled her cup of water. I went to get a towel to clean it up and upon my return I found her standing with her mouth open under the stream of water running off the counter. She thought there would be less for me to clean up that way.

March 28, 2011

I asked Benjamin to "cut audrey some slack" because she isn't feeling that great and he was arguing with her. 2 minutes later Audrey says "hey just cut me some SLAP"

March 26, 2011

So the other night while I was brushing my teeth, I was unpleasantly surprised by the taste of soap. The next morning while brushing (with a new brush) Audrey says "mommy I cleaned you tub yesterday using your toothbrush with the soap on your counter see how shiny it is."

March 20, 2011

Audrey informed me how you make lemonade. " lemons mint milk and goodness"

March 19, 2011

This is how audrey explains how you play the game "eye spy"...." you pick a color in the whole world and guess it"

March 19, 2011

Audrey says being " clever" means she is "right and that panda ears eat bamboo"

March 13, 2011

Audrey has a water and soap mixture in a cup. She says " I need to put this on you, it's called show - da- labs" I asked what does it do? She says " it keeps your laugh box from burning out"

March 13, 2011

Audrey just said " hey mom I can't find my new headband, I guess it's a mystery"

February 28, 2011

In case anyone is wondering....a stick with a golf ball taped to the end of it using clear packing tape is called a "ballfaler" as per Audrey

February 22, 2011

So Audrey was jumping around and jumped onto a pillow on the floor. She said "oh mom I think I broke my butt bone want to check it for me?" all while turing around and whipping down her pants before I could say no.

February 21, 2011

This is Audrey.

February 17, 2011

Audrey selected a piece of candy out of her valentine candy box and said "hey mom what's in this?" I said oh that is caramel inside. She says "oh man that is sooo good, that was good inventing" yup

February 15, 2011

Audrey has categorized the size of our cats "Lilly is the mediumist, max is the daddy, and Marshall is the brother"

February 14, 2011

Audrey just said "hey mom can you get me a snack and a drink cause I'm going to have a little relax outside in this glorious weather"

February 12, 2011

Olivia and Audrey in the tub. I say to Audrey you need to lay down and get all wet so I can wash you. She says "oliv you need to cris your legs so I can lay down"

February 9, 2011

Put a frozen cookie ball into the toaster oven for Audrey. She told me she didn't want a cookie ball she wanted "flat" cookie. I told her that the oven will make the cookie flat. She said "you didn't tell me that the toaster oven is magic."

February 6, 2011

Olivia asks Audrey if she wants to play hide-n-seek or Sardines. Audrey's response was "star-beans"

February 5, 2011

Audrey just told me that U-got-tro is how you say school in Spanish.

February 4, 2011

Audrey and ben in the other room. Ben is irritating Audrey. Audrey says "stop little bother you're my big brother but you act like a bother" she got that from "Olivia" the book series.

April 02, 2011

While planning our weekly menu we were discuss fish tacos for the adults and fajita chicken for the kids. Audrey hearing this says "oh I love feet -a chicken".

February 1, 2011

I am playing tic tac toe on my ipad with Audrey. She has "won" 22 games to my 4 wins. She says to me " I am to good for you!"

January 30, 2011

So Audrey's hair is cut in a "bob" style. She says to me after school the other day "I don't like my haircut cause it's round" I said "What kind of haircut would you like?" She says "something that is more squareish and longish"

January 25, 2011

Audrey just let me know that she like Sandy (character from Sponge Bob) has flees. "Mom when my butt itches it means I have flees biting me and they are biting me all over and in my head" all while vigorously know where. Yes, we vigorously washed hands afterward.

January 22, 2011

Playing a made up hand game with audrey. I'm not exactly following the rules. Audrey says to me " I'm keeping my eye on you" then winked at me.

January 21, 2011

Audrey doing all her usual dressing up, all the Princesses get a turn with her role playing. Today she was wearing this little pink track suit.....she said to me "mom I don't have an outfit for tinkerbell so i'm gunna wear this, just call me pinkerbell".

January 20, 2011

I called Audrey darling yesterday and she asked me "what's a darling?" I said it's like saying sweetie. She said "then just call me sweetie and not darling"

January 16, 2011

Audrey was playing on my iPad and she was playing angry birds. Every once in a while she would shout " come on dude what are you doing with my birds" uh what.

January 16, 2011

Olivia was asleep in her bed when Audrey came in with my iPad playing a Michelle Branch song. She then put it up to her ear and told her to wake up

January 15, 2011

Audrey told us today that she couldn't see the clouds because there was to much fog.

January 15, 2011

Audrey asks me " mom do we have crayons?" I say yes. She says " do we have paper?" I say yes. She says " I mean the big paper with no stripes on it."

January 8, 2011

At Texas / UCONN bb game w/ family. Audrey doesn't weigh enough to keep the seat down. She says " mom the seat keeps bending down"

January 7, 2011

Audrey says to me " I can't decide on a song for tonight" I say " shepherd show me how to go, brood or us, saw ye my saviour, or sense to soul ( all hymns sung to her) she says "umm how 'bout Michelle branch"

January 5, 2011

When putting Audrey to bed I always sing her 3 songs. They are usually hymns. 1 hymn is titled "Brood 'Or Us" or as Audrey says "Blue ord us", and another on is titled "From Sense to Soul" or as Audrey says "French to Soul".

January 5, 2011

When waking Audrey up this morning she says to me while covering her eyes with her hands "mom I don't want to get out of bed, so I'm playing a game where I stay in bed." I said no body wants to get out of bed. She said "squidwerd glued me to the bed so I am stuck and can't move."