July 29, 2011

Audrey slid down the last three steps from upstairs and was crying that she "hurt her elbow and her bone cheek." aka...tailbone

July 26, 2011

Audrey's self application of sun screen

July 26, 2011

Lilly decorated by Audrey

July 26, 2011

I just asked Audrey if she wants some Cheerios with a little sugar for breakfast. She says "mom that tastes lame, how about teddy grahams with milk."

July 25, 2011

Audrey is watching 102 Dalmatians. She says to me "mom I think Cruella de Vil has a bad attitude and I know it isn't nice to hit people but she needs a good punch."

July 24, 2011

Audrey says to me "mom I need to have a chit chat with you!" I said "okay." She says "how come each time I get your iPad it has your stuff on it?" "Ummm, because it's mine." She says "really? you know it mine right!"

July 18, 2011

While on vacation Audrey saw a picture of me in the hospital on the day she was born. Last night while putting her to bed she asked me..." where were you with a blanket or table cloth on when you have a baby?" I told her that wasn't a blanket or a table cloth it was a hospital night gown. She wasn't impressed.

July 16, 2011

In the car w/ Audrey. She gets a call on her "cell phone". This is the conversation... "Oh hi Justin (bieber). I'm great and happy you called. It's a flopping kinda day. Will I marry you? Yes, I love you, of course. I think after we are married we can have lunch and play dates. Listen my mom is talking to me I'll call you back."

July 13, 2011

So on the airplane returning from vacation Audrey asks me if I want to play the slap 5 game. I put my hand up to give her a high five. She says "no mom the slap 5 game is like this"......yes I got slapped on my face. She thought is was really funny. Me, not so much.

July 9, 2011

Audrey's bedtime story to me. "once upon a time there was an adult named Melanie & a wife named Aaron. They liked each other lots & lots, their kids played in TX & other places. Melanie was a queen & Aaron was a prince."

July 8, 2011

Running quickly with Audrey so we don't miss our tour. I say "hurry up honey we need to go fast." she says "mom I have one broken leg and am already on motor 11."

July 7, '10

Audrey smelling a bad smell outside says "yuck what is that bad stinch" that works right?!?!

July 7, 2011

At the breakfast table which includes Audrey's grammy. Everyone is reassigning names to people. Audrey reassigns grammy to "planktavolis"

June 7,2011

Audrey has a cat hair in her mouth.... so funny.