April 28, 2013

Last night while putting Audrey to bed she decided she was hungry. I told her to go down stairs and get a banana which she promptly did. As she came into her room with. Mouth full of food she said to me "mom you know why I didn't eat a banana?" I said "no why?" She said "because bananas are soooo 5 years ago."

April 22, 2013

Caught Audrey with my phone reading my text messages. I said to her "hey, please don't read my text messages!" She says "mom it's a really good way for me to practice my reading skills." I said "you already have great reading skills!" She says "yes but I need to have mad skills mom, that's skills with a Z"

April 21,2013

Audrey says to me "mom I think you need a parenting lesson. Rule number 1: always say yes to your kids, that's the way to be the best mom ever." I say "umm no it doesn't work that way!" She says "you just failed parenting class!"

April 16, 2013

Audrey wasn't happy with what I served for dinner tonight. She demanded that I make her something else. I told her "No, this is what's for dinner, I am not a short order cook and there is no menu!" She said "oh man it's like you're ripping my heart out or something!" Then pulls this heart out from inside of her top! Did she plan this?

April 11, 2013

Audrey asks me "Mom what is puberty?" I say "it's the time in a persons life when their bodys begin to change and look less like a child and more like an adult." She says "oh like Olivia!" I said "yes." With a completely straight face she looks at me and says "When are you going to go through puberty?" Me: blink blink