June 29, 2013

Yesterday Ben grabbed Audrey's water bottle and took a giant swig and Audrey yelled " hey mister don't you mouthwash back into my water!"

June 26, 2013

Audrey asks me this as a serious question: "mom what's the difference between a donkey and an ass and why sometimes do they call him jack?!?" Me: ummm huh?

June 18, 2013

this is Audrey performing. Just being herself.

June 17, 2013

I was in my closet organizing a few things when Audrey comes in very frustrated and says "mom didn't you hear me calling you?" I said "no" (house was silent) she says "well I was calling you and calling you with my mind why didn't you hear me? You always say you know everything that's going on, you have eyes in the back of your head, and you hear everything! How come it only works for the bad stuff and not when I need juice?!?"

June 13, 2013

Anyone that knows me well knows that I have zero problem discussing the details associated with the "facts of life" with my children and see it as an on going conversation, not a one time deal. All of which is determined not by age but by emotional maturity. Recently, Audrey has been asking a lot about where babies come from. While I know intellectually she could handle the facts, I feel emotionally she isn't ready, she would want to let everyone else she knows in on it. So, for now babies come from God. She asked me "does God let you choose if you have a girl or boy?" I said "No" she said "Really? thats a rip off I'm going to have to pray to God and let him know my plan" I said "great let me know how that works out later."

June 11, 2013

For awhile now Audrey has complained that she doesn't like her given name "Audrey Catherine Strout" and asks me to change her name. I tell her "no I'm not changing it but when you are an adult you can!" Then I always ask "what will you change it to?" She says "I don't know yet mom it's a process!" The other day she comes to me and say "I've got it, my new name will be "Caroline Catherine Strout" I said "oh really, why?" She says "cause it's catchy"

June 3, 2013

Audrey's kindergarten teacher wrote me and told me that on the last day of school Audrey asked her if she "could address the whole class." Her teacher said "yes". Audrey proceeded to say "I wanted to thank you all for a wonderful year and I know by your faces when you are happy or sad and I can tell that you are all happy today. I love you all and will miss you this summer."