The early days

My blog posts going forward will be just one simple update at a time but this is where it all began...

is laughing about audrey calling burt of burt and ernie "burp" Jan 21 '09

is flossing kitty litter out of Audreys bottom front teeth. Yum she says. Jan 22 '09

is cleaning up the entire box of Cocoa Puffs Audrey dumped in the middle of the Living room floor. Feb 23, '09

is not happy that Audrey dumped the cat water into the dry cat food 3 times. Feb 24, '09

Is not happy about the fact that Audrey drew all over the stainless steel refrigerator with chap stick. March 19, '09

is again not happy about dry cat food into the water. Arg Audrey! March 27, '09

wants to know if anyone is surprised that Audrey wrote on a white wall with a black Dry Erase marker and dumped half a bottle of body lotion on a couch? Not my wall or couch. phew. April 13, '09

Is giggling. Audrey jumped off the hearth and asked me if I could do it. I said no I can't. She says to me "awe come on, come on you monkey" I swear I don't make this stuff up. August 26, '09

Is giggling at Audrey saying "mommy your bafroom is love love love lovely, I like it in here" August 31, '09

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