December 31, 2010

Audrey told me that her friend "Avia (no friend named that) who has black hair, blue eyes, wears flip flops, jeans and has ponytails, that lives in Boston." Told her that "animals have bleed in them."

December 29, 2010

Audrey has a "Tom the Cat" application on her iTouch. A crazy looking cat that repeats everything you say to it. Imagine everything she says....twice. This cracks her up. She told me that "Tom the cat is a fake." I said what does that mean he's a fake? She says "fake means silly, Tom the cat is really fake."

December 25, 2010

Audrey just said in a very surprised voice "hey mom you fart gas out and put gas in the car!!!"

December 24, 2010

Audrey and Grammy were playing hide n seek and Audrey said to Grammy " I want to tell you where to hide so you don't disappearreate"

December 17, 2010

Audrey & I were playing hide & seek. She was frustrated by the fact that she couldn't find me, so she told me to hide In Aaron's bathroom. He has a dbl doored cabinet. One opens into his bth rm the other into his closet. She made me hide in that space. She was happy knowing exactly where I was. While she was counting I would roll out into the area where she wasn't counting. Lets just say this didn't make her happy.

December 15, 2010

Audrey rang the bell and said "Hi I'm Stacey can I get a handshake please? I'd like to come in. I like to dance and am better then Audrey, oh and I'm free to babysit Audrey if you need me to." Without taking a breath w/ a forced texas accent

December 13, 2010

Audrey said to me " I would come to your house and tell you your christmas tree looks dimilated." I asked what's dimilated? She says "dimilated is when you have a dirty Christmas tree covered in trash cans."

December 9, 2010

Driving in the car with Audrey and Ben tonight. Ben talk/thinking out loud about what he is going to have for dinner. While thinking about his dilemma, he pauses and looks over at Audrey. She says "Don't look at me it's not my problem". Ben laughed and we heard it several more times.

December 9, 2010

Audrey and Lilly crashed out for the night

December 9, 2010

Audrey just said "when I was at the north pole with Grammy and papa mommom and granddad aunt heather and uncle lee it got dark really early and was turning 3 degrees a lot" I asked if she had seen Santa while she was there.." Yup and the elves were my size and so tiny and cute"

December 6, 2010

Notice the iTouch in Audrey's lap and the cord to lilly's ear.

December 6, 2010

While on a work call Audrey starts talking to me telling me she called daddy from my computer. Once I was off my call I went to my computer and in fact she had called Aaron Strout on skype and had the video activated. My hubby was there waiting. I'm officially scared...who's with me?

December 3, 2010

Early this morning Audrey came running into my bathroom to tell me she was going to be doing some "putering" (aka working on her computer). A little later, while she was "putering" I asked her to climb up to the counter to eat her breakfast and she says "mom I'm doing my work....I am do txt emails"

December 2, 2010

I asked Audrey what she did today during "rest time" at school. She says "well I didn't rest. I played a game. " I asked what game. She says "Hungry hungry hickos. " I said "oh you mean hippos" She says " no hickos are hawks that come down to bite you and you need to run."

November 29, 2010

Audrey dressed in Ben's boxer briefs and tee shirt rings the front door bell and says " hello my name is miss dancer and I am a fashion do-er and famous dancer. I want to you come to my fashion show to see all my stuff." Then walks away. Bell rings again... she is holding lilly in an uncomfortable position. I say "hello miss dancer." Audrey says "mom can't you see it's Audrey, I'm just bringing Lilly inside...shesh"

November 26, 2010

In the car coming home from dinner the big kids were messing around in the way back of the car Aaron was firm about the way he asked them to stop. Audrey says to Aaron " I think when we get home you need to have a little rest in your room because you weren't being nice"

November 22, 2010

Audrey was eating a few triscuits. She bit one in half and says to me "hey mom what do you call this shape?" I said "that is a rectangle" she said "nope you are wrong it is a Squa-tangle, because first it was a square and now it's a rectangle, but it's a squa-tangle because it started as a square"

November 19, 2010

Audrey was wearing a skort this morning and told me that she liked it because it was "a runny" skort it let her run fast. She changed before she went to school. She came home from school and changed back into her runny skort. While running into the kitchen she fell. She told me it is no longer her "runny skort" now it is a "hurty skort"

November 19, 2010

Audrey just told me that I need "to take her nail polish off because it has a biber on it." I asked what's a biber? She says "shocks your nail polish off". oh good to know.

November 18, 2010

Audrey hands me a pen and paper and says "okay mom you need to write this down 'thank you for delating the house and not making good choices and sign for your punishment.' Now start over....please make better choices and stop delating the house" .....not sure what delating the house is: anybody?

November 18, 2010

Audrey just told me that "Max (cat) has really stinky breath and that he must brush his teeth with fish toothpaste, and he needs dental floss"......yes she tried to floss his teeth. He was not happy.

November 17, 2010

Olivia was Roller Blading this past weekend and has left all of her stuff by the front door. Audrey just asked me if she could go "roller bleeding" then she told me "don't worry I won't actually bleed just roll"

November 16, 2010

Audrey just finished being VERY upset, throwing a tantrum. She says to me "mom why am I being such a crabby patty today.....I feel so naughty"

November 2, 2010

Audrey just told me " get mom listen up, is my body going to be hot or cold you have two choices"

November 2, 2010

Just caught audrey with her foot in a small bag of freshly opened pretzels. I said "Audrey don't put your foot in there, that is yucky" She says "mom it's like my foot is an extra hand" then she proceeded to pull a pretzel out of the bag between two toes, raised her foot to her mouth and pop it right in.

November 1, 2010

Audrey has decided that she is going to take a piece of left over candy, walk out the front door, and ring the bell. When I answer she says "trick or treat" and hands me the candy.

October 29, 2010

Audrey just rang the fron doorbell. When I answered she said "Tell me your name please". I said "Melanie Strout" She says "um ma'am I need to see your license to see what name you really are."

October 27, 2010

Audrey and I were getting ready to go out side when she says "oh bummer why do I always have to go potty when we are going to do something"

October 27, 2010

Audrey says as we were getting into the car..."it's freaking cold out" and then as she was climbing into her car seat and getting buckled says "awww crap I can't get the buckle to go in" I think I will be have a good word bad word conversation with her today.

October 23, 2010

Audrey is in my room and has drum sticks in her hands. Max (a cat) jumps on my bed. Audrey throws the drum stick and says "go get boy, fetch bring it to me."

October 22, 2010

Audrey yelling from the pantry closet asks " what are the white crackers, and round ones, and little square ones?" I said " saltines, Ritz and Wheat Thins" she said "no mom the Wheat Thins are called little squares of yum."

October 17, 2010

Audrey decided that she was finished eating her dinner and in order to NOT take any more bites she says " my food doesn't want to go into my mouth because it's dark and scary in there"

October16, 2010

Ben and I are playing football in the back. Audrey said mom I'm on your team with a baseball bat in her hand. I moved in her way and she said mom the coacher stands over there.

october 16, 2010

Very early this morning before the sun was up Ben & Audrey climbed into bed with me. ( Aaron is away on business) Ben was having trouble find the covers. Finally he said "I found them I'm awesome" Audrey says "I'm awesomer" ben says " right" Audrey says " we're winners"

October 13, 2010

Audrey told me she would be right back. The door bell rings, & Audrey is there holding a clip board with paper & a fat purple marker says "Hi ma'am can you sign for your lemonade?" So I did, then she holds her hand out for money. I just pretend to give her money. She looks at me very confused & says "hey show me the real money" I said I don't have any. She crossed my name off the list & said "no lemonade for you"

October 12, 2010

Audrey has a very tiny disney puzzel. She was trying to find the piece that has Donald Duck on it. It was in the bottom of a bag filled with other things. I put it on the table and she says "OH Donald, lookin good" with a little Joey Tribbiani swagger in her voice. creepy

October 12, 2010

As Audrey and I were walking out the front door heading to the mailbox she stopped on the front porch and said " mom let's sit down here and think about some things" I said okay what do you want to think about? She says " candy and when we can move to my princess castle"

October 11, 2010

Audrey named all of her toes. Starting with the big one... Chinca, Paulina, satuba, tools, dosa, lessa, vussa, sonna, toota, semma. Repeated several times in order.

October 7, 2010

While putting Audrey to bed I was reading her a condensed version of snow white. She asked me to name all the dwarfs. So.... Grumpy, happy, sleepy, sneezy, dopy, bashful, doc. Audrey says "mom you forgot dick" I said there isn't a dwarf named dick. She said " well there should be"

October 7, 2010

Somehow Audrey convinced Marshall to get in the backpack, but based on the sounds that Lilly was making I am pretty sure she isn't gettin in.

October 1, 2010

Audrey just asked me if she could have a "brown sugar sandwich". I said no (giggling to myself) then she said "with some lettuce and tomato to make it yummier and more better for me.....oh yeah and a marshmallow"

September 29, 2010

Audrey seeing Audrey on Video.

September 29, 2010

Audrey says to me "mom did you know that God and me made this house" I said no I didn't how do you do it?" She says "God and I worked together with love to make a beautiful for the family....I had to live in Gods heart so he knew what to do to make it more beautifuler, he's like superman."

September 28, 2010

Audrey was hiding in my cabinet, when found it was reveled that she had Ben's iTouch. Audrey says to me "mom I am trying to listen to Adam Lambert and I just can't find it."

September 21, 2010

The last 2 days it rained, the kids went out back, played, wrote w/ chalk & sprayed each other w/ the hose. Today Ben was at a friends, Olivia was at dance & it started raining. Audrey says mom when they get back I want to go in the back, get wet, write w/ chalk okay? I said no not today. She folded her arms & in a VERY MAD voice said "that's it you wrecked my life, do you hear me you wrecked it, that's it goodbye."

September 17, 2010

Just realized that one of the bowls of dry kitty food was missing. My first thought was that my husband just consolidated. My second thought went like this..."wait a minuted I bet Audrey know where it is 'Audrey where is the other bowl of kitty food?' " Her response was "I'll show you" She takes me to my bathroom, opens the cabinet below my sink and what do ya know, there it was.

September 16, 2010

Audrey's teachers asked if we could save and give them the empty paper towel and toilet paper rolls. Audrey sees the bag filled and says "what are these for?" I said "They are for your teachers to do a project." She says "what kind of project? Are they going to make a robot, a baby, dollies, a door, a sink, a light, a washcloth, a table, chairs, tires, a house, a bed?"

September 15, 2010

Audrey say to me "mom I want a graham, with a marshmallow on top of it, a piece of chocolate on top of that, with another graham cracker of top of that...that's how you make a smore"

September 13, 2010

Playing hide and seek with Audrey in the house. It's my turn to hide. I do so in a cabinet in my husbands closet. Waiting.....waiting.....waiting....getting hot.....beginning to sweat a little....waiting....finally I can't take it anymore i need to get out. She was watching tv. I said ummm did you forget about me? She said "oh I'll be there on next commercial".

September 9, 2010

For those of you who haven't seen this, it's kinda funny. Audrey and Lilly in a typical encounter

September 7, 2010

Audrey sings her favorite song.....

September 7, 2010

Audrey & I were playing a little game. She was blocking me from walking by standing in front of me with her arms extended out to her sides and legs spread wide. I decided to back up a go the other way. She ran around a fast as she could yelling "No way Jose, no way jose you're not getting by me"

September 3, 2010

Audrey just told me "mom when I say something funny you need to say ' you can say that again' then we can laugh"

September 2, 2010

After picking Audrey up from school today I asked her what she learned. She says "mom can you say Ba ba ba bean?" So I said ba ba ba bean. She says "mom that is great you are a genius" it made me laugh

September 1, 2010

Just found Audrey in the pantry close dipping frosted mini wheats in Nutella. I said what are you doing? She says "it's okay mom it's tella and breakfast."

September 1, 2010

For those who don't know "neh-ma-nems" are M&M's in the yellow package. I was told "they are different the the M&M's in the brown package". As per Audrey.

August 31, 2010

Suddenly the house was quiet. I yelled "Audrey where are you & what are you doing?" A very distant & faint voice responds "I can't tell" I jumped up & ran up the stairs and found this....

August 30, 2010

So after 10 minutes of Audrey not being in the family room with me I decided to go look for her. I found this. Two plastic baskets from her kitchen set. Inside are lentils mixed with hand cream and hand soap. I said Audrey what are you doing this is a mess. She says " this is a stuff treatment for you, it's good for you mom try it"

August 27, 2010

After Audrey came in from outside sweating up a storm said "mom I need some air to cool me off." I said go stand in front of my fan. She ran to the other room and yelled "mom your fan has no more wind" it was turned off.

August 26, 2010

Audrey just said to me "hey mom can you sing ' hay soul sista whose that mista mista on the radio the stereo why way you move aint fair you know" umm huh?

August 26, 2010

Audrey climbs up on the leather couch next to me, spins around, presses her foot against the back of the couch and says "watch this, the harder I press the bigger the print" She pulls her foot off and there is a wet footprint. I said "ick what is that why is it wet?" She says "don't worry mom it isn't lick." I gave her a look of disbelief. She says "oh man it is lick sorry mom"

August 25, 2010

Just watched Audrey carry Lilly by the neck through the house to my bathroom. Lilly making all kinds of guttural noises and meows. Audrey saying all the way "shh shh shh shh Lilly I said shh, that's not nice talk to me, you need to go into your crib" Lilly's crib is a cabinet in my bathroom. I decided that I should help Lilly.

August 22, 2010

While Audrey had anklet ponytail holders Lilly had a purple headband with a large flower.

August 21,2010

Audrey is playing basketball and says to her dad. " dad hold me up so I can scored a goal"

August 20, '10

Audrey says to me this morning " I figgered it out when I grow up I want to be a butterfly,but first need to be in a cacoon. Then I will be a caterpillar but only for a little. Then butterfly. That will be awesome. Mom are you going to be a ladybug when you grow up? "

August 19, '10

Audrey changed the channel. We are now watching Giada. I said "oh what is she making" Audrey says "kulkimjomjim" I said "oh what's that" she said "I just told you kulkimjomjim" right now it's clear. ???

August 17, '10

Audrey has a Ladybug pillow pet. She keeps calling the Antena - Antlers.

August 17, '10

Audrey says to me "look mom I found this marble aren't I a good detechtavator? I am going to keep detechtavating"

August 16, '10

While circling the airport yesterday picking up Aaron Strout and Ben Audrey asked where they were, I said they still need to get off the plane. She says in a very concerned voice "do they have their parachutes, where do they land?"

August 15, '10

Audrey has a Ladybug pillow pet. I asked her what her pets name was. She says "'s Chinese for hello officer, and that's jus the way it is" huh?

August 15, '10

I asked Audrey what she wanted for breakfast this morning. She said "Golden Grahams, but don't put so much milk in, I don't want them to get milky and float" I said "how about dry cereal and a cup of milk" She said in a very excited way "mom that's an idea and now it's not my problem".

Aug 14, '10

I took Audrey to the pool. She walks right to the edge and says "well here goes nuffin" and in she went.

August 13, '10

I told Audrey " close your eyes and go to sleep." she says " my eyes aren't closing, they are telling my body to stay awake!"

August 12, '10

Leaving a store today with literally no cash or change on me Audrey asks for something out of the gum ball machine. I said "oh no honey Mommy doesn't have any money." Audrey says to me " maybe when we get home YOU can have a lemonade stand to get some." I told her that was a great idea.

August 11, '10

Audrey is rhyming words in a singing voice like this "sick, trick, lick, bick, D.I.C.K. stops on that one word, sings it 20 times then says to me D.I.C.K. is ant in Chinese. I said "well since no one here speaks Chinese, lets say ant in english."

August 9, '10

Just found Audrey holding Lilly's back legs straight up in the air. Lilly is making deep guttural noises and Audrey is saying "shhh shhh listen to my structions you can do it, it's a headstand, member to balance Lilly" I am pretty sure this is not a natural state cats like to be in based on the growling/guttural noises Lilly was making.

August 6, '10

Audrey says to me "mom when I say 'ma-zo-shea' that means water." I said what language is that? She says "Texas"

August 4, '10

Audrey just handed me a spatula and said "want some lemonade....well slurp it up"

August 2, '10

Audrey says to me while trying to talk with her tongue sticking out "mom see my tongue? When I stick it out that keeps me cool"

August 1, '10

Momentarily lost track of Audrey. After a yell through the house she comes out of my bedroom. I said what were you doing? She says I was in your shower putting my babies to bed. I said oh no does it involve body wash? She said no you won't be disappointed, you won't be upset, no time for being mad mom.

July 31, '10

While taking my shower this morning Audrey opens the door and says " Hey mom how's it going? Everything okay in here ? Just checking on you."

July 30, '10

Audrey just said in a VERY frustrated voice "mom this TV isn't working I sink the on demand is broken because I said I demand Ni Hao Kai-lan to come on and it's not listening"

July 30, '10

Audrey Yodeling... "ole lady ole lady ole lady woo who"

July 29, '10

Looking at numbers with Audrey last night. We came to 11. I said that's eleven. She said "no it's elevendy elevendy" Now I know.

July 29, '10

Phone rings....On TV can see caller ID. It's a telemarketer. Audrey runs for the phone as fast as she can. I yell "don't answer it it's a telemarketer" Audrey "hello, hello, my mommy says you're a marketer bye"

July 28, '10

So Audrey has a large square walk in closet. Today while in there picking up a few things that had fallen to the floor I noticed 2 little plastic bowls. 1 was filled with kitty food the 2nd empty. I asked her "why are these kitty food bowls in your closet?" Her response was "sometimes I give Marshall and Lilly a time out in here and this is so they have food, the odder one has water."

July 28, '10

Last night I attended an event that my husband Aaron Strouts company hosted. When I was dressed and ready to go Audrey told me I looked fab-lee-us.

July 26, '10

Two things. 1. Audrey has decided that she will regularly walk out the front door, close it, ring the bell. When I answer the door she says "Hi, can you play?" 2. I said to her "hey what are you doing?" She says in a robotic voice "I'm not Audrey she's in my tummy" 67 times.

July 22, '10

This is Audrey's grill, this is where she keeps her princess shoes. This is where she keeps her dress. This is where she keeps her purse. This is where she was trying to keep Lilly until she went bolting out when I opened the doors.

July 20, '10

Audrey has a pencil jammed into a harmonica. She says "I'm a doctor this is my hammer where's your ouchy." I said doctors don't use hammers. She says "oh it's not a hammer it's a Palmer now hold still and I'll bang your ouch away" yikes

July 19, '10

Audrey says to me "mommy I have a joke for you" I said okay. She says "ding dong" I thinking ummm, but say who's there? With her eyes scanning the room she says "Piano, TV, dish" I say Piano, TV, dish who? She says "that's it hahahaha." I'm left thinking clearly she has her father's humor.

July 16, '10

In the time it took me to empty the dishwasher Audrey emptied the entire tube of Boudreaux's Butt Paste on my leather couch. She told me the couch was ouches and she needed to make it feel better. Who is in charge of watching this girl?

July 13, '10

Just found Audrey with a flashlight in one hand, a pencil in the other and she was inspecting Lilly's butt. I think Lilly was cool with the flashlight but very uncool with the pencil poke.

July 8, '10

Audrey has picked lilly up about 8 times then drops her yelling " fly Lilly fly, you are a fairy....use your fairy wings, fly....use your wings, okay fine Lilly you lost your fairy wings and now you are going to your crib" poor Lilly. Not sure why she stays.

July 7, '10

Audrey and of them in a head lock growling, the other one saying "shhh it's okay just relax....hey be nice to me I'm loving you"

July 7, '10

With Audrey present Ben asks "mom what do you think Audrey will look like when she grows up?" Before I could answer Audrey says "brownish but definitely not blueish!"

July 3, '10

Audrey knows her colors in spanish. I was casually going over them with her today, just saying how do you say.......finally after 6 colors she looked at me and said "mom I'm tired of this game, I know them already"

June 30, '10

Audrey just used "her" cell phone and called her "girlfriend" katie (no friend named katie) and said "Katie can you please make the rain and the winter go away, oh great, I love you too bye".

June 30, '10

Audrey told me that she wanted chicken nuggets (which is odd because I don't serve them at home) WITH barbara sauce. aka...bbq sauce

June 28, '10

Audrey Aaron and I were getting ready to take a walk, I said to Audrey you should take your leggings off and just leave your skirt on so you don't get to hot. Aaron having just arrived home from work was chaning out of his jeans and Audrey says " dad are you taking your leggings off so you don't get to hot?"

June 27, '10

While disciplining Audrey about the fact that she can not hit her brother I said "Audrey do you understand?" while waving her arms at me she says " I'm not Audrey, I am Audrey monkey and I put a spell on you" I said "you put a spell on me?" she said "now you are black and blue" then she just laughed. I am left thinking...

June 22, '10

Audrey just told me she wanted to watch a specific episode of Max and Ruby. I said I'm not sure if we have that one. She said "Oh it's on demand on lodinick"

June 4, '10

Olivia did Audrey's hair and gave her a French Mani.

June 3, '10

Am not happy that I found Audrey in the family room rubbing her hands together( the way you would when applying hand lotion) with what looked like a pound of lotion only to discover it was actually Fage greek yogurt........apparently she thought the entire refrigerator needed a rub down with it first.

June 2, '10

Audrey and I are getting ready to go to the pool. She says to me "mom can you get my polka dot bokini?" I said yes. She said "my bokini is on the back of the bafroom door"

June 1, '10

Audrey brought these to me and said "I'm ready for my snack" I'm thinking um what?

May 19, '10

I am at swimming with the kids. Ben is swimming along and audrey yells "kick your arms ben"

May 17, '10

Audrey's 3rd birthday is approaching June 7th. I asked her what she wanted for her birthday she said " a car cake, lots of friends, that singy that has all da candy and that big singy that you hit z odder singy with to get all z candy" good enough!

May 16, '10

Audrey just informed me of the following...."mommy I'm a nice sharer because i was sharing my graham cracker with marshall." I said "wait what...did he like it?" She says yes he ate the whole thing" turns out he did.

May 16, '10

At the pool with family. Audrey says "holy smokes there a lot of worms in there"

May 12, '10

Audrey told me she REALLY needed to go to the potty. I said ok lets go, hurry. She was walking slowly, with a limp, holding her knee and said to me "I can't hurry I have a bummy bone in my elbow" I said then why are you holding your knee? She stopped, still holding her knee said "oh then both are bummy, mommy hold my elbow cause I'm holding my knee

May 12, '10

Audrey just told me that her "finger was trying to bleed" I said why is it trying to bleed? She said "cause it wants a band-aid"

May10, '10

After picking Audrey up from school today I asked her what she wanted for lunch. Her reply "a number 4 please" ummm....

May 6, '10

I thnk Audrey might be off her rocker just a little. She knows Lady Gaga and likes her song Paparazzi. She says to me "watch what I can say, cha cha razzi.....cha cha razzi" as she runs around the house shaking those little hips again.

May 6, '10

Audrey was eating some cheetos. She stood up telling me she was all done. I said hold on we need to clean your hands and mouth. While I am wiping her hands with a damp papertowel I see her tongue whipping around her mouth as fast as she could make it many time. It made me laugh. She said "you do my hands I already did... my mouf, it's clean, why are laughing mom, my mouf is clean"

May 5, '10

Audrey just said to Lily "I'm not happy because you aren't listening. That's it missy, time out for you in the crib, you need to follow directions" Then she said "what did you say? I can't understand you because of your crying, jus calm down, take a deep bref" I wonder sometimes if Lily would prefer the streets again.

May 5, '10

Audrey was wearing her princess dress, took her arms out and the top dropped to her waist. She said with her hands on her shaking hips "how do I look?" I said "Not good cause your top is below it's level" I was grabbing my phone to take a picture (not for public to see) and she ran away saying "No you can't take any pictures of me for my merit badge book" ummm huh?

May 4, '10

While in line at Starbucks this morning with Audrey she lets out a very loud burp. I am totally embarrassed. People around were chuckling. Audrey says to me "mommy did you hear that?" I said yes, Audrey we don't burp like that. She says "mommy my belly has a lot of energy and it needs to come out"

April 27, '10

I am driving in the car with Audrey. She is playing with a ponytail holder that has big plastic flowers on it. She decides it needs to be an anklet. The elastic slipped from her hand and the flower snapped her ankle. Tears all over the place, crying, crying, crying nose a mess. Then she yells inthe midst of all that "pu...nch buggy yellow I saw it first" she was correct. It was yellow. Magically no more tears.

April 23, '10

Audrey invited me to the "Audrey Show" she sits on Lily. Then she pops up and says "oh hello this is my toy baby cat lily, (she sits down on her again) she loves toys, (she pops up again) watch her play with her toy"(she throws her toy). Lily takes off the couch runs past the toy into my room and under the bed. Audrey following says "lily lily lily come back here you ruined my show i won't sit on you"

April 22, '10

Just thought I would let you all know that the sound a cat makes when being carried upside down by it's legs is not a good one. Audrey doesn't like it either. I believe her exact words were "mommy that hurted my ears"

April 21, '10

Audrey just said to me " I am very upset with you" I said "why?" she said "I am very upset with you because you are telling me to eat my chicken" then she said "mom I am frustrating by dinner"

April 20, '10

Poor Lilly doesn't get a break

April 20, '10

As Audrey and I are crossing the street she says "we need to be careful of cars and trucks. They will smoosh us like the bugs on the window of the car"

April 19, '10

Audrey just handed me a wisk and a bowl and told me to "get stirring" I said what am I stirring? She says "chocolate" (pronounced in spanish)

April 18, '10

Audreys pearls of wisdom " mommy if somebody takes your potty you need to buy a new one, that is very important" Aaron says "where do you buy a potty?" she says "from lowes"

April 17, '10

Audrey told me that there was a bee in her bed that was prickly and was prickling her

April 16, '10

So Audrey has decided that her underwear and undershirts will be called under dogs from now on. After informing me of this she says. Mom do you want to her me say underdogs in Spanish? I said yes. She said okay..... Underdogs. Then she laughed really hard. I am left just shaking my head.

April 12, '10

So my Audrey has a friend the same age also named Audrey. We call them by their first and middle name. In the car today my Audrey says "I am going to sing a song for my friend Audrey Joy" I said ok. She sings......Audrey Joy Audrey Joy she is my friend she can balance and I can kick up she can balance and i can kick up."

April 8, '10

Audrey says "when George Washington got died he was sad cause he missed his mommy" while we were driving along talk about trees. Or, that's what I thought....But apparently it was George.

Mar 25, '10

So it is a sunny but coolish day in Austin. Audrey dressed herself in a tee shirt and skirt. On our way out I asked her if she wanted a sweater. She said " no her shirt was warmish and her hips weren't cold"

March 24, '10

Audrey is pretending to paint my foot with a paint brush. She says "hold still you have a careup I have to fix it" I asked "what is a careup" She says "it means you need to be patient don't move a muscle I'll make you outta here in no time at all" I said great. She said "you pay on the way out"

March 23, '10

Audrey picked out her books for tonight. I said oh not that one it's not a story book. She said what kind if book is it? I said it's a joke book. She said but I'm a joker I like jokes.

march 23, '10

While getting Audrey dressed in her PJ's she says "Marital Idol is on tonight". I said "yes it is". Pumping her fist she says "yes it is, yes it is"

march 23, '10

Audrey and I are having a "Tea Party" she handed me my drink and said "that's it no more lemonade for you" I said "lemonade I thought this was a tea party" she said "nope lemonade can you deal with it".

march 23, '10

Audrey wants to change her clothes and told me she had to because "these clothes are to clothey"

March 22, '10

Audrey and I are playing a Nemo memory game she has. She told me I was saying it wrong....."not Nemo mommy memo" pronounced like Nemo only with an M not an N.

March 22, '10

Audrey told me she wanted to "go inside because the sun was making her hair hot'"

March 17, '10

Audrey standing with the palms of her hands close to and facing her ears says "mommy I can feel the air coming fru"

March 15, '10

Just heard Audrey yell " Marshall Marshall Marshall you are being a putz hold still so I can put your headband in"

March 11, '10

So while cleaning out my garage with my little helper Audrey, she finds a cat and the hat stuffed animal and says to me " mommy when I was your age I loved the cat in the hat, and now I found him after a long time"

March 4, '10

Audrey decided she wanted a snack apparently because she brought me a butter knife, ritz crackers and peanut butter.

March 3, '10

While Audrey was splashing around in the tub I say to her "time to get out sweetie" she says to me "yea time for marital idol".

March 3, '10

As Audrey and I were on an errand today we saw some guys working on the side of the road putting in a street light. Audrey says " look at those guys, I bet they are up to some trouble" I said no they are working. She says "I don't think so their truck is on the grass making a mess"