November 29, 2010

Audrey dressed in Ben's boxer briefs and tee shirt rings the front door bell and says " hello my name is miss dancer and I am a fashion do-er and famous dancer. I want to you come to my fashion show to see all my stuff." Then walks away. Bell rings again... she is holding lilly in an uncomfortable position. I say "hello miss dancer." Audrey says "mom can't you see it's Audrey, I'm just bringing Lilly inside...shesh"

November 26, 2010

In the car coming home from dinner the big kids were messing around in the way back of the car Aaron was firm about the way he asked them to stop. Audrey says to Aaron " I think when we get home you need to have a little rest in your room because you weren't being nice"

November 22, 2010

Audrey was eating a few triscuits. She bit one in half and says to me "hey mom what do you call this shape?" I said "that is a rectangle" she said "nope you are wrong it is a Squa-tangle, because first it was a square and now it's a rectangle, but it's a squa-tangle because it started as a square"

November 19, 2010

Audrey was wearing a skort this morning and told me that she liked it because it was "a runny" skort it let her run fast. She changed before she went to school. She came home from school and changed back into her runny skort. While running into the kitchen she fell. She told me it is no longer her "runny skort" now it is a "hurty skort"

November 19, 2010

Audrey just told me that I need "to take her nail polish off because it has a biber on it." I asked what's a biber? She says "shocks your nail polish off". oh good to know.

November 18, 2010

Audrey hands me a pen and paper and says "okay mom you need to write this down 'thank you for delating the house and not making good choices and sign for your punishment.' Now start over....please make better choices and stop delating the house" .....not sure what delating the house is: anybody?

November 18, 2010

Audrey just told me that "Max (cat) has really stinky breath and that he must brush his teeth with fish toothpaste, and he needs dental floss"......yes she tried to floss his teeth. He was not happy.

November 17, 2010

Olivia was Roller Blading this past weekend and has left all of her stuff by the front door. Audrey just asked me if she could go "roller bleeding" then she told me "don't worry I won't actually bleed just roll"

November 16, 2010

Audrey just finished being VERY upset, throwing a tantrum. She says to me "mom why am I being such a crabby patty today.....I feel so naughty"

November 2, 2010

Audrey just told me " get mom listen up, is my body going to be hot or cold you have two choices"

November 2, 2010

Just caught audrey with her foot in a small bag of freshly opened pretzels. I said "Audrey don't put your foot in there, that is yucky" She says "mom it's like my foot is an extra hand" then she proceeded to pull a pretzel out of the bag between two toes, raised her foot to her mouth and pop it right in.

November 1, 2010

Audrey has decided that she is going to take a piece of left over candy, walk out the front door, and ring the bell. When I answer she says "trick or treat" and hands me the candy.