While putting Audrey to bed last night I was telling her that she needs to fall asleep alone....I don't need to stay with her. She responds "In all my years on this earth that still doesn't sound like a good idea to me, so it's not going to happen. Are we clear? Now, repeat it back to me!


  1. I hope you don't regret this when she's a teenager and tells you to go to h**l. Good luck with this monster you're creating.

  2. Anonymous, I am amazed that you would post something so harsh. In raising children, they often repeat what they have heard from parents, teachers, neighbors, all the with same verve and tone they have heard it in. It's their way of figuring out how to communicate and how to be themselves.

    This blog does not appear to be about how this mom parents, but more about appreciating the process of growing up, nurturing a young learner as they test out life. I applaud this brilliant little one for how much she thinks things through. And I seriously doubt that she will one day turn on her mom. There is a huge difference between allowing the space for a child to learn how to express themselves and just being a doormat without structure. From all the different posts here, I'd bet this is a mom working hard to provide the best atmosphere for her daughter to learn to be an independent thinker - something our world desperately needs.
